grinding metal corporate teeth

unfulfilled desires - bob plainwilder poetry

way down deep in dinjyville
waitin for a train
stumblebum plinkin phone
beneath monster office tower

people stuck in mires
worlds away from real fulfillment
in the maelstrom of each day

everywheres another cranky
smart device encrusted soul
sinkin down into some hole
nuthin much to say

bleary eyed and far away
disappointed also

danglin’ off this hapless joe
grinding metal corporate teeth
that don’t let go


Drawing above by Frost Newton

© 2022 by bob plainwilder

uniquely dandy radio

for Ken Freedman

tuning into old skool style
dial catching FMU
broadcasting essential spew

uniquely quirky radio
a pillar of community
home to surreal flights uh fancy

FMU’s the best
celebrating east and west

ingeniously inventive
tuneage that inspires
fires all new takes on life

wiring up communities
FMU unmatched
espousing cool inventive ways


© 2023 by bob z plainwilder

Civil Rights Poetry - The Defiant Ones

Da Defiant Ones

Sidney P. & Tony C. playing
Da Defiant Ones!

a tres significant filmic comment
1950 Jim Crow south:
one man black, one man white
a desperate bedraggled pair

In a tawdry deep south chain gang
racing off one day
brutal lawmen closing in
aiming to blow out their brains…
Sidney P. & Tony C. playing
Da Defiant Ones!

Insane existential threats & terror
dis film did address much that’s still not done…
sadly social problems
keep so many on the run!

Hats off to its shiny points
Hollywood’s inventive drum,
dis shtory told a poignant way…
Sidney P. & Tony C. playing
Da Defiant Ones!

© 2023 by bob plainwilder